Guild IRG

                                   Bahasa Indonesia           English league

17 JANUARY 2017

CREDITS by: M Dzikrul Hakim     ID:dzikrul_16   

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Guild IRG




A. The development of Guild IRG

     On July 7, 2016, my guild's guild master (IRG) to make this guild in hopes of advancing rangers Indonesia by making ni guild, guild we've created a bit old, and now you've reached level.9 guild with 14 guardian, we they provide guild members, but we for people who join our guild. hopefully going smoothly ^^, we plan to make Guild fraction of Guils named IRG IRG Team, for it, why I propose that, as in the guild IRG which originally had a lot of attackers to a guardian, and there are complaining about no one gets the raid, because already Defeat, so we'll make it soon, GUILD we have an important regulatory pal rangers Indonesia ^^

Things that need to be concerned when joined while in guild
1. Do not speak vulgar, or offensive to others, it can break us in the guild belahkan Indonesia
2. Following the directives made from the guild master or sub guild master, diguild us, we preselect sub guild master, past beraku just 2 months and can be extended only once, (if made back) our voting through line group, that group of our guild "IRG"
3. Do not make a noise when in a guild or group in the line, we will give id guild master and sub guild master to put you into the guild
4. The most important of the other ......., do it all once played a careful man and woman in the group: V ...

For the requirements to become a member of IRG no (still free) ^^

click the link below on the information about the other:

1. How to play fast battle in pvp

2. How to play the guild raid quickly
3. how to play fast battle in main stage 408


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